The Australian and New Zealand Masonic Research Council is an association of masonic research organisations and aims to promote Masonic research and education within Freemasonry on an inter-jurisdictional basis.   Affiliate (voting) members are from Australia or New Zealand. Non-voting (Associate) membership is open to other masonic organisations from throughout the world.

The ANZMRC is managed by an elected Committee. For a list of Committee members and ANZMRC members, click here      To download a copy of the ANZMRC Constitution, click here. A brief history of the ANZMRC can be downloaded here


The ANZMRC organises Conferences every two years in one of the States of Australia or in New Zealand. The 2016 Conference was held in Launceston, Tasmania. The 2018 Conference was held Melbourne, Victoria. The 2020 Conference will be held in Dunedin, New Zealand.

Touring Lecturers

In other years, the ANZMRC organises and coordinate a tour of Australia and New Zealand by a Masonic speaker – giving lectures at a number of Affiliate organisations. The Touring Lecturer in 2017 was John Belton.


The ANZMRC publishes the proceedings of its conferences, and a quarterly e-magazine Harashim 

Masonic Digital Library

The ANZMRC promotes the sharing of publications through the library – access is available to members of organisations that share their publications.